Unlike other galleries, the Goffi Carboni Gallery has always devoted itself to art as an international phenomenon rather than one limited to local or Italian forms of expression. It has always taken a lively interest in the artistic manifestations of countries such as France, England and Holland, such countries being the source of several of the objects it displays. Italian, English, French and Dutch furniture as well as clocks, bronzes, chandeliers, drawings, watercolours and oils on canvas are all dealt in together with antique prints for decorative or collection purposes.

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Stemma cardinalizio del conte Saverio Canale in legno intagliato e parzialmente dorato. Seconda metà del sec. XVIII.

Stemma Barberini. Damasco ricamato con canutiglia dorata. Italia Centrale, sec. XVIII-XIX.

Stemma della famiglia del conte Antonio Greppi, milanese, al centro di due raviere, due piatti tondi ed un gran piatto ovale in maiolica. Manifattura Clerici, o Rubati, 1774/1778.

Attilio Simonetti (1843-1925), Stemma gentilizio medievale. Disegno a penna e in chiostro su carta quadrettata.

Catalogo della mostra "Attilio Simonetti 1843-1925" a cura di Giovanni Carboni, Campisano editore, 2024.

One of six english lacquered chairs. Beginning of 18th century. From Simonetti Collections.

Mahogany French Cartonnier late 19th century.

Two of ten italian chairs in lacquered wood from the Louis XV period. Provenance Manlio Goffi Collection.

Florentine desk in rosewood with inlays in various woods, Louis XV period, mid-18th century. Provenance Simonetti Collections.

Various accessories: A French fan from the 18th century, a belt and necklace in gold and enamel from the Empire period, a series of French buttons in chromed steel from the end of the 18th century and two needle holders from the 18th century.

Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo (1871-1949) Printed cotton diagonal and cushion with the same design, Venice, 1920-40. 175x232 and 175 x 315 cm. From the Simonettti Collection.

About us: Simonetti Palace and Simonetti Archive. https://www.romasegreta.it/prati/via-vittoria-colonna.html
